Pemadaman Listrik Massal, Masalah atau Peluang?

Krisis energi listrik di Indonesia belakangan ini dirasakan semakin mengganggu semua kalangan masyarakat. Mulai dari perusahaan industri hingga kereta listrik terkena dampaknya. Padahal listrik sudah menjadi kebutuhan primer bagi manusia untuk melangsungkan hidupnya.

Krisis listrik ini dapat dilihat dari 2 segi yakni keprihatinan dan peluang. Bila kita melihat dari segi peluang usaha dan peluang bisnis maka krisis yang kemungkinan tidak akan dapat teratasi dalam waktu yang singkat ini telah membuka satu peluang usaha baru yakni usaha dan bisnis genset (generator set). Ada 2 jenis penawaran yang dapat diberikan yakni sewa atau menjual dengan fasilitas kredit mengingat meningkatnya penjualan genset akhir-akhir ini.

Pangsa Pasar

Pangsa pasar dari usaha dan bisnis genset ini dapat datang dari dunia usaha mikro dan kecil termasuk rumah tangga. Usaha menengah dan besar tidak termasuk dalam target pasar usaha ini karena kebutuhan listrik yang dibutuhkan juga tidak kecil. Usaha mikro dan kecil ini termasuk wartel, warnet, konfeksi, home industry, foto copy, rumah makan termasuk tempat pesta pernikahan. Untuk kalangan rumah tangga datang dari rumah tangga yang memiliki anak kecil/bayi dan ac dirumah.

Hal-hal Yang Dibutuhkan

Hal pertama yang dibutuhkan adalah tempat untuk menata genset yang akan ditawarkan kepada konsumen. Ruangan yang tertata rapi (tidak perlu mewah) akan memberikan kesan yang enak bagi calon pelanggan/pembeli pada saat mereka datang. Hal kedua yang dibutuhkan adalah petugas yang dapat memberikan keterangan yang baik sesuai dengan kebutuhan konsumen. Menganalisa jenis genset yang akan ditawarkan. Apakah itu avr genset, ataukah filter genset atau yang lainnya.


Cukup maraknya penjualan spare part genset belakangan ini dapat menjadi salah satu kendala. Namun bila anda dapat menawarkan suatu nilai tambah kepada konsumen maka mungkin krisis kelistrikan ini dapat menjadi berkah untuk anda.

Tips Bila anda ingin berhasil dalam bisnis ini maka hal yang perlu anda tanyakan kepada diri anda sendiri adalah “Mengapa konsumen harus membeli dari anda bila ada pesaing anda yang dapat menawarkan barang yang sama dengan harga yang sama?” Salah satu hal yang dapat anda lakukan adalah dengan bekerjasama dengan usaha yang melakukan servis genset khususnya untuk konsumen yang membeli genset. Bagi penyewa genset mungkin anda dapat berikan discount setelah mereka menyewa genset dari anda untk kesekian kalinya. Atau tidak dikenakan ongkos angkut bila si penyewa minta untuk diantar, dsb. Selain itu juga bisa menawarkan jasa service genset, dan tentunya ini menjadi peluang bagi Anda untuk mengoleksi pelanggan setia. Tinggal Anda cari orang yang ahli dan Anda hanya perlu sebagai pengawas. Tertarik mencoba?

Menjalankan Bisnis Kreasi Karton Box

Keyakinan menjadi modal dasar bagi seseorang untuk membangun dan menjalankan sebuah usaha. Meskipun berbekal skill otodidak, namun dengan keyakinan kuat segala hal yang menjadi penghalang untuk berkembang akan bisa teratasi. Prinsip tersebut yang selama ini dijunjung tinggi oleh Bapak Hery Santoso (47) dalam menjalankan usaha pembuatan beragam produk dari aneka bahan baku. Mengawali usaha tanpa didukung skill yang memadai, bapak yang pernah merasakan menjadi seorang PNS tersebut mencoba menjalankan pembuatan produk berbahan baku kulit pada tahun 1988. Beberapa produk seperti tas kulit, dompet, dan sandal dikerjakan sesuai pesanan di rumahnya Tamanan Banguntapan Bantul.

Setelah industri kulit mengalami penurunan, Pak Hery mencoba mengalihkan fokus usahanya  dengan produksi natural handycraft. Menjamurnya usaha yang menekuni produksi natural handycraft membuat persaingan harga antar sesama pengrajin menjadi tidak sehat. Kondisi tersebut memaksa Pak Hery untuk berfikir keras mempertahankan usahanya agar tidak sampai gulung tikar seperti usaha sejenis. Alhasil, naluri bisnis Pak Hery sekali lagi diuji ketika beliau memutuskan untuk menjalankan produksi aneka karton box berbahan baku vinil.

Berbagai jenis produk seperti box tissue, box buku, box parsel, box sampah, box perhiasan, hingga perabot rumah tangga yang berbahan vinil menjadi produk andalan yang dipasarkan selama ini. “Dalam satu minggu, minimal kami memproduksi 100 pcs karton box berbagai jenis,” kata bapak dua orang putri tersebut. Dibantu 10 orang tenaga produksinya, Pak Hery konsisten menggunakan vinil yang dianggapnya lebih tahan air dan jamur dibandingkan dengan produk berbahan baku natural. “Vinil itu memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan, untuk kelebihannya selain tahan air dan jamur vinil itu mudah diproduksi, warna dan ukurannya juga mudah disesuaikan, sementara untuk kekurangannya tidak bisa menggunakan sembarang lem, karena sekali melekat, lem tidak bisa dihilangkan,” jelas Pak Hery.

Menurut Pak Hery, dirinya tidak mengalami kesulitan untuk memperoleh bahan baku yang banyak ditemui di pasaran. Harga bahan baku vinil juga bervariasi tergantung kualitasnya. “Harga vinil berada pada kisaran 16.000/ m – 50.000/ m tergantung kualitasnya,” imbuh suami dari Ibu Parwiati tersebut. Bahan baku lain yang selama ini digunakan Pak Hery dalam berproduksi meliputi kerangka box (karton, kardus, triplek, dan MDF), lem, dan kain vooring. “Saat ini kami memiliki 25 jenis produk dengan desain kebanyakan dari pembelinya langsung,” tambah Pak Hery. Para pembeli terutama dari pihak asing biasanya datang langsung ke lokasi produksi Pak Hery untuk menawarkan desain dan diaplikasikan Pak Hery dalam bentuk produk jadi. Diakuinya untuk permintaan dari pihak asing produk yang dihasilkan harus benar-benar perfect dan disesuaikan antara ukuran serta fungsinya.

Untuk proses produksi aneka box miliknya diakui Pak Hery cukup sederhana. “Secara prinsip untuk proses produksi box tersebut hanya terdiri dari proses pemotongan, perakitam, penempelan, dan finishing, walaupun untuk proses finishing vinil tidak terlalu rumit karena hanya dibersihkan saja,” terang Pak Hery. Untuk harga yang ditawawarkan cukup terjangkau, berkisar Rp.15.000,00-Rp.250.000,00/ pcs. Dengan harga seperti itu, dalam sebulan Pak Hery bisa memperoleh omzet 30 juta dengan keuntungan 10-15 %. “Terus terang dari segi keuntungan tidak terlalu besar karena kami hanya memasok pabrik (perusahaan trading) saja, tidak secara aktif melakukan pemasaran ke berbagai wilayah,” tambah beliau.

Secara umum, perkembangan usaha produksi box Pak Hery masih stabil dari segi permintaan. Meskipun peralatan yang digunakan masih manual, namun Pak Hery selalu melakukan control kualitas sebelum barang-barang produksinya dipasarkan.

Di akhir wawancaranya, Pak Hery selalu menekankan untuk memulai menjalankan bisnis kerajinan yang perlu dipertimbangkan adalah tingkat persaingan dan produksi barang. “Sebisa mungkin carilah barang yang masih langka di pasaran dan persaingan yang masih sedikit,” pesan Pak Hery. Tidak lupa, inovasi produk juga memiliki peranan penting dalam menjalankan usaha produksi kerajinan agar barang yang dihasilkan tidak mudah diduplikasi pihak lain.

Semoga artikel ini bisa memotivasi untuk memulai bisnis atau usaha. Karena semua orang berhak untuk menjadi besar dan sukses!

the beginning step catering business

Catering business is a business which is popular in the culinary field . At every opportunity and the moment we often encounter a variety of delicious food served by attractive by caterers. Box Catering is a business venture is suitable for those of you who like to cook and want to have my own business . This effort has a greater chance at being in the big cities such as Jakarta , Surabaya , Bandung and others . Due to the economy class average height makes people always look for a practical and effective , although ultimately the cost is greater. Bisnis Catering di Jakarta , though it was a lot , but it will not run out of the market , given the huge opportunity , especially with all the mega development plan to be an ideal capital .

There are various levels in this effort . But usually starts from first home-based business . Tingat home catering business is a catering business that caters orders up to a hundred people . As a beginner who worked on this effort alone you should begin to serve the order in stages .

Catering business is divided into multiple segments based on where the

1 . Catering house , covering rantangan or Box Catering for household , order a buffet for a social gathering / study , 20-100 weeks to order rice box and order rice cone portion .
2 . Catering is a catering school breakfast / lunch for school children . Usually served in a basket / drum special children’s meals .
3 . Catering office , the office employees rantangan , rice box or buffet to feast / celebration in the office .
4 . Araca catering special events / ceremonies such as weddings and celebrations . generally using a buffet system , but sometimes coupled with the rice box and order cone .

Capital required

1. Cooking utensils to cook 100 portions for example could be done with existing cooking equipment in households that do not need to rush to invest just to buy new equipment.
2. Room / kitchen for catering home, do not need a special room set up, but you should order your kitchen in such a way as to facilitate the work and add a special shelf to place cooking equipment.
3. Special racks for kitchen spices. If I need to give the place a label on each seasoning to ease the process of cooking.
4. Finance. As a beginner, you usually can not owe alias still use their own capital. Capital you need to shop for groceries around 60% of the price of food ordered. For new customers it would not hurt you to ask for a down payment to minimize capital.
5. Payment is due. This payment system is necessary if your business is growing and you start routinely taking orders in large quantities. If you routinely order the chicken or vegetable butcher / vegetable subscription, you can pay with tempo 1-2 weeks. Because it involves belief in a timely try though catering your payment has not been paid by the buyer.

Promotion strategy

Show attention and appreciation to friends / employees who have helped to promote your business so that you get the next order. Need not be expensive. For example, give pan of baked macaroni pudding or a jar of cookies. With attention / bonuses. She will be happy to help promote you. To start you can also use the special prices, for example with the label “Catering murah di Jakarta” or others that can attract customers. After quite a lot, can you raise your price to a normal level and prepare a strategy next.

Hopefully the above tips can be an inspiration and add insight to those of you who are interested in the catering business.

Good luck!

Teknologi Untuk Wirausaha

Kemajuan yang telah dicapai manusia dalam bidang Teknologi Informasi merupakan sesuatu yang patut kita syukuri karena dengan kemajuan tersebut akan memudahkan manusia dalam mengerjakan pekerjaan dan tugas yang harus dikerjakannya. Teknologi Informasi yang perkembangannya begitu cepat secara tidak langsung mengharuskan manusia untuk menggunakannya dalam segala aktivitasnya. Beberapa penerapan dari Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi antara lain dalam perusahaan, dunia bisnis, sektor perbankan, dll.
Teknologi Informasi banyak digunakan para usahawan. Kebutuhan efisiensi waktu dan biaya menyebabkan setiap pelaku usaha merasa perlu menerapkan teknologi informasi dalam lingkungan kerja. Penerapan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi menyebabkan perubahan bada kebiasaan kerja. Misalnya pemakaian software akuntansi yang sangat membantu dalam menelola keuangan dilengkapi berbagai fitur yang biasanya dipakai oleh akuntan. Mempercepat dan mempermudah pekerjaan.
Dalam urusan bisnis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dimanfaatkan untuk perdagangan secara elektronik atau dikenal sebagai E-Commerce. E-Commerce adalah perdagangan menggunakan jaringan komunikasi internet. Sedangkan dalam dunia perbankan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi adalah diterapkannya transaksi perbankan lewat internet atau dikenal dengan Internet Banking. Beberapa transaksi yang dapat dilakukan melalui Internet Banking antara lain transfer uang, pengecekan saldo, pemindahbukuan, pembayaran tagihan, dan informasi rekening.
Dalam pendidikan, pelaksanaan pembelajaran beberapa tahun yang lalu hanya mempunyai satu metode pembelajaran yaitu degan bertatap muka secara langsung namun sekarang ini dengan majunya ICT kegiatan pembelajaran dapat lewat internet. Internet merupakan alat komunikasi yang murah dimana memungkinkan terjadinya interaksi antara dua orang atau lebih. Kemampuan dan karakteristik internet memungkinkan terjadinya proses belajar mengajar jarak jauh (E-Learning) menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien.E-learning sekarang ini sangat nge-trend di Indonesia.Banyak sekolah-sekolah, perguruan tinggi baik negeri maupun swasta sudah menerapkan sistem pengajaran ini,contohnya UNY E-learning di UNY dapat diakses di Dalam besmart ini para mahasiswa dapat mendownload maupun mengirimkan tugas. Sehingga para guru/dosen dapat memberikan ilmu kepada muridnya tanpa harus bertatap muka secara langsung.
Para dokter atau profesi lain yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan memanfaatkan kemajuan ICT ini dalam berbagai peralatan yang mereka gunakan seperti sistem berbasis kartu cerdas (smart card) dapat digunakan juru medis untuk mengetahui riwayat penyakit pasien yang datang ke rumah sakit karena dalam kartu tersebut para juru medis dapat mengetahui riwayat penyakit pasien. Digunakannya robot untuk membantu proses operasi pembedahan serta penggunaan komputer hasil pencitraan tiga dimensi untuk menunjukkan letak tumor dalam tubuh pasien.

Why Sales Courses?

Completing sales strategy and sales training courses can give your career a boost in one of two ways; helping you close more deals, and preparing you for possible promotion by your company to a management position. If you’re already in management courses can help you update and refine your skills.

Sales Strategy Courses

Sales strategy courses come in all types of formats. Whether you wish to study on your own, enroll in an educational institution, or sign-up for an intensive, intimate seminar, each type of course can be of benefit to you.

A sales strategy will help you focus on the most efficient way to target and reach your current and potential customers, which will in turn lead to a higher closing rate, and increased cash flow for your employer, and commissions and bonuses for you. Sales strategies may include sales goals; sales activity, or how you plan to make a sale; targeting accounts; honing timelines for closing customers; developing new marketplaces. Specialized classes can be designed and geared especially with your product or service in mind; some sales cycles can be very long in duration, from initial inquiry to closing and delivery, and training can teach you the importance of massaging the client through the entire sales cycle and keeping them satisfied while waiting for delivery.

It’s never too late to learn how to set a sales strategy, no matter how mature your company or product is. It’s absolutely essential for a start-up, and can be of great benefit to sales organizations who have hit a plateau, and need to recharge their efforts with new energy and direction.

Sales Training Courses

Sales training courses will help you understand ways and methods of how to impart the benefit of your career experience and success to a staff you are managing, or associates and colleagues you are merely helping guide along as their mentor.

Learning the basics of sales training is not about changing your own methods, but rather about developing a structured approach to training your existing staff or new recruits. You will learn methods for helping bump up skill sets on a one-on-one basis, as well as how to conduct training sessions for small or large groups.

Sales training is an important part for the growth and consistency of revenue in any company. You may have a great product or service, but if you cannot target customers, and educate them as to the benefits of your product or service, close sales, your company will suffer. As a sales leader, it’s your responsibility to make sure at least department sales leaders, if not the entire sales force, is prepared to accomplish sales in a manner consistent with the company’s goals and mandates. Thus whether you pick sales strategy courses or some other class you’re investing in everyone’s success.

4 Tips For Winning Sales Strategy Building

Putting together a top-notch sales force within a short amount of time is possible given the experience of the individuals and their reaction to traditional sales methods; nonetheless, it is surely not the best sales strategy. In fact, the most successful sales strategies are founded on experience and top-notch sales management courses. 

Changing market conditions, slumped consumer confidence, unenthusiastic staff, and new competitive pressure, can quickly transform fantastic sales achievements downward expeditiously. With that in mind, here are several tips for winning sales strategy building.

1. Move Towards Experience

A winning sales strategy starts with an experienced sales force. If your team is not experienced with the product, service, or market, your chances of success are minimal. Countless highly profitable businesses are currently outsourcing sales to capitalize on effectiveness. This can mean enlisting an entire team or merely integrating your group with experienced professionals. 

2. Concentrate on Fundamentals

During a slow period, the best approach is to get back to basics. Check each phase of your sales strategy. Do your lead producing activities bring valued interested clients, or only those merely “browsing?” Does your group genuinely comprehend your customers’ with in-depth needs evaluation? Are features and advantages linked to particular difficulties facing customers today? Can your team wrap-up sales effectively in an easy well-timed manner? 

3. Build a Realistic Yet Ambitious Sales Strategy that will Guide your Sales Staff

A sales team is only as good as its sales strategy. If your group is deficient in the experience to execute an efficient sales strategy, your product is going to be in limbo. By outsourcing sales, you have use of tried and true sales strategies that are assured to help you speedily infiltrate the market. 

During a sales downturn, businesses that prosper and survive are the ones who modify their sales approach to meet today’s conditions. Do not wait for an instant comeback, the time to look closer at your sales tactics is during times of business downturns as well. 

4. Train on Important Sales Approaches, Skills, and Strategies 

Determine what major attitudes and skills that your sales team require to be successful to continually win new business. Develop a simple, repeatable training program and bring your team up-to-date in these strategies and abilities as quickly as possible. It’s important to have a formal process for new business development with various sales team members working largely on various strategies to try to generate new business. 

Assembling a program of confirmed skills, strategies, and activities will become allied with professionalism in the minds of your salespeople. When your goal is to alter attitudes, outlooks, and skillfulness, it is a monumental task. What you have to do is to help your sales team feel appreciated, concentrate on what is essential to them, and improve essential areas of the sales process, whether you invest in sales management courses or not.

Start a Car Rental Business

Services business car rental is very useful especially in the school holidays later . Count the number of people who want to vacation out of town , but hindered by the absence of constraint vehicle / car to travel privately and comfortably . It is a separate business opportunities for the aspiring entrepreneurs who are keen to see the market . In addition , a more promising market is companies that require adequate transportation facilities with a relatively low budget for their business flow . Certainly become more interesting instead ?

If you ‘ve decided to start this business , there are a few things you need to prepare , namely :

Sufficient capital or funding . Capital is one of the main factors in building a business , in the absence of sufficient capital we can not start a business . Capital , especially in the car rental business does require a considerable amount . As you know the price of a car just requires substantial funds . So buying a car is the most substantial amount of funds .

Place of business is located . One of the success factors of a business is the location of his place of business . Choose a bustling place of business and is easily seen by people , it is so that people can easily find out . For the city , choose a city with a population with a high rate of car rental , for example Jakarta , Surabaya , Solo. For the example Sewa mobil Solo , although indirect customers find our place of business , but with a crowded market , the promotion could be a solution .

Selection of the right car . For a car rental business , is very important to know the right kind of car for rental. Know the type of car the most preferred by consumers , but it also choose a car that durability and easy to maintain .

Prepare expert in managing the car rental business . Use experts who are familiar with the car rental business , where they are in charge of managing the affairs of me running this business . Elections driver must also be considered , if we provide car rental services at the same time with the driver . Choose a well experienced technical personnel in the care of the car , so as to maintain and repair existing cars .

Give the best service to consumers . Give best service to customers by providing the best service . This can give by providing shuttle service for example , so that consumers do not need to bother dating to the place we are . There are many other services that can be provided , depending on how we are to give . Now consumers are smarter because it already knows the car rental business start-up tips so that they can choose to use the services of a car rental .

Insure all cars . It is very important , in order to prevent undesirable things like damaged car or a car accident lost . With the insurance at least every loss there has been handled by the insurance company .

Hopefully this article useful.

Florist business, Right Choice For Entrepreneurs with Little Capital

Business selling bunches of flowers or florist actually promising if it can be managed with marketing strategies and proper management, even though it seems risky for a beginner. Moreover, if the business is run in Jakarta, given the vastness of the business market there. Toko bunga di Jakarta is already abundant, but that does not mean opportunities to establish businesses there is no Florist di Jakarta. Due to the success of a business is strongly influenced by the ability and determination and work ethic of the business, not solely on external factors.

One of the properties of the chain is much faster flower wilting, while it is not necessarily the interest sold. However, the risk behind this business is actually quite worth it if you see the benefits. Be so because the cheapest price Karangan bunga Jakarta has reached more than Rp 500,000. Though the value of the raw material was not up more than Rp 100,000.

Well for those of you who want to start a business Florist Jakarta can be read the following tips. To start a business in the stall, the raw material of interest must be available to reassure consumers. But different again if the business is marketed online. Toko bunga Jakarta online entrepreneurs can buy flowers if orders had come.

Florist business entrepreneurs usually start with deposit money periodically to the agent of interest. They almost certainly be faster return on investment because of the high price of florist products and orders kept coming.
A few tips, hopefully useful! Good luck!

It Is The View Of The Number Look Up For Your Money Service

Some of the reasons why people with popular cell phone reverse number look up services that are harassed by calls strike suspect her husband cheating, or did not want to miss an important call.

A person might argue that the setting of a private investigator would be more logical. It is true that private investigators for this purpose, they were used today, our society has become increasingly able to use a technology, and therefore, what was difficult, but now you can do something with your fingers on a keyboard. What is even more interesting is the fact that the cell search services at a fraction of the cost of hiring a private investigator. Now, with reverse search reverse cell phone numbers detective services, the results in seconds before the user. Information such as your address is known, location, source of the call, and all legally available, is owned by the user with a 100% guarantee of confidentiality. So if this information is important in your research, it is advisable to use a cell number to the service that is very affordable to find and provide the same information a private investigator to achieve. However, a person to choose the right service as any service in the world, there are some good and bad. To ensure your satisfaction, I suggest you do some research online about some comments about the number of cells, which consulting are available.

Are Awards The Best Form Of Incentives For Ethics?

Within a business, it can be difficult to urge employees to act ethically, as well as to contribute to the company’s ethics and compliance program. The 2004 Federal Sentencing Guidelines attempted to address this issue: “The organization’s compliance and ethics program shall be promoted and enforced consistently throughout the organization through (A) appropriate incentives to perform in accordance with the compliance and ethics program …”

Numerous organizations meet the requirement of “appropriate incentives” by giving away ethic awards to staff members. This method of incentives seems to have become especially popular within the past couple of years.

Even though these awards can be helpful to boost morale and recognition, is it really the best form of incentive? Are awards even what the Commission’s Advisory Group who wrote the Guidelines were really hoping would be enacted?

According to Ed Petry, one of ELG’s expert advisors at Global Compliance who was a member of the Commission’s Advisory Group, ethics awards were “not at all” what they were looking for. By linking the importance of integrating culture and ethics with the significance of HR practices, one can see that “appropriate incentives” actually referred to how employees are promoted and paid.

Taking into consideration that the Commission really wanted incentives to be provided via pay and promotions, what would be the best way to enact this? When evaluations into ethics and compliance programs are administered, ethic leaders look to see if processes exist that associate the company values with employee’s’ evaluations. Specifically, leadership is inspected to gauge if managers support the program. Criteria for salary and bonuses are also examined, as well as criteria for rating workers for leadership advancement.

It is a difficult task, though, to develop feasible and quantifiable incentives and performance criteria. If the criteria are not quantifiable, then managers have difficulty with rating imprecise objectives. There must also be consequences for when ethic goals are not met. Another important aspect is that the assessments must be meaningful—it is not possible for everyone to rate as above average. Finally, the ethic goals need to be affiliated with company prosperity as these are businesses being run, not charities.

This is not a simple undertaking, but if there is no review or compensation for ethical practices, then there is a huge likelihood that such practices are simply ignored in favor of other more realistic objectives.